Public Services
Administering Health Vouchers & Denationalising the NHS - Dick Puddlecote
Pension Simplification - FormerTory (who comments all over and posts here occasionally. Well, once, actually)
Education Vouchers - The Fat Bigot*
Social Housing - Witterings From Witney*
Welfare Reform - Adam Collyer*
Tomorrow - Prime Minister etc.
* New appointments.
Notes on bechamel and blancmange
46 minutes ago
If Czecho and Slovakia can sort out the financial details of their split in a morning I am sure that me and FormerTory can do pensions simplification in a short morning. So the important bit is to organise where to go for lunch afterwards.
"So the important bit is to organise where to go for lunch afterwards."
In the spirit of saving taxpayers' money at every opportunity (and an example to the rest of the cabinet), I hope this lunch will be paid for by its consumers, not the consumers' employers.
Ah, the Prime Minister, yes. The incumbent stepped down recently, didn't he. The reshuffle is much needed then.
L, maybe pencil in pensions for the afternoon and then go for a pint?
U, good idea. My previous PM's first act was to award himself a limousine with chauffeur.
DP, it's fairly minor. Just deleting non-bloggers mainly.
Umbongo. Now, really! Do you seriously think that we would consider any other arrangement?
MW. Pensions is for Tuesday morning. My view is that there is just too much governing going on. Parliamnent is clearly only a part time job you do when more important things (like going for lunch) are not available.
Mr Puddlecote could also do an excellent job as Public Health Minister - he would have endless hours of fun cutting off all funding to fakecharities.
Can I apply for John Healey's old job?
L, aha, I thought you were going to do both on Monday morning.
C, that's why DP got the job. A good investment tip might be to buy shares in the company that prints P45s.
Sorry you can't be pubs minister, I had one spare place but JH wanted to be MI5 Minister. Once we've scrapped VAT and the smoking ban (and sorted out the ultimate jukebox) pubs will probably run themselves anyway.
MW. Well, boss, if you insist we will do both on Monday, but does that mean we can have Tuesday off?
L, we're at cross purposes here. I'm not the boss and you can set your own time table.
MW - Excellent!
MW - Excellent!
Sorry, only just found this (there, see, I'm practising the politics already). I agree with Lola; couple of hours sorting out some ground rules for a rational future where people take responsibility for themselves and the taxpayer doesn't need to employ hundreds of thousands of expensive functionaries to police the thousands of rules, then away for a pint.
Red pen at the ready, and thank you. My previous commitment to making myself redundant in the shortest time possible, stands :-)
Ah, the poisoned chalice. Thank you very much, Prime Minister. I shall be delighted with the new post.
AC, glad you accepted but I'm not PM. The rules say you can't appoint yourself to your own Bloggers Cabinet.
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