From City AM:
QUANTITATIVE EASING (QE) must be restarted if Britain's bankers are to avoid persistent high unemployment and economic stagnation, Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) member Adam Posen said yesterday.
In a speech delivered in Hull yesterday, Posen was the first MPC member to call explicitly for a second round of QE, which he described as "The Royal Mint issuing 502 pence in coins and exchanging them for five pound notes held by commercial banks". His comments put him on a collision course with fellow policymaker Andrew Sentance, who has been calling for slightly lower subsidies to the banking system since June.
Posen argued: "It is right for both long-term stability in the City and short-term performance for banker's bonuses."
He warned that policymakers’ well founded fears of inflation should not lead them to settle for weak growth in the banking sector or in house prices: "The risks that I believe that we - bankers, land owners and politicians alike - face are the far more serious ones of sustained low house prices turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy, and/or inducing a political reaction that could undermine the commercial banks' long-run stability and prosperity.”
Posen has not yet voted for further monetary loosening but said that his vote at the next meeting was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
"Although we find Mr Posen’s analysis sobering and plausible, the reactions to Charlie Bean's 'Spend, spend, spend!' speech suggest that we are losing the propaganda war, and that it will take further back scratching and palm-greasing before a majority of MPC members is to support a QE extension," said Barclays Capital’s Simon Hayes.
2 hours ago
Well the non-idiot alternative is that they are blatantly out to rob the public.
I just cant work out why.
AC1, it's just a normal day's work for the Home-Owner-Ist coalition (bankers and their 'regulators', politicians, landowners and NIMBYs). They just do it for the money, mainly.
Yup its HOI lobbying again. By keeping wages and interest low. Its also official government policy, what with Big Society and the Spending Review*
Bank of England calls for more QE to keep house prices high and wages low
* OK that will get rid of loads of waste and take down with it loads of good
Yes, they are worse than idiots. They must be seen to be doing something, anything, and this is all they know how to do. All is explained here:
I can just see the next meeting:
Mervyn King to Andrew Sentance: "I didnt get a harrumph outta that guy!"
Charles Bean: "Give the governor harrumph!!"
Andrew Sentance (when he lacks the moral courage to resign from this farce): "Harrumph!!"
RS, the Lib-Cons overall aim is to spend a bit less on public sector salaries and welfare, but increase spending on their mates in the 'private' sector. Have you not noticed that? "Loads of good" what, BTW?
Ed, this is not all they 'know', this is exactly what they WANT.
MW ""Loads of good" what, BTW? "
The stuff that increases wages and land values... ON THE WHOLE. Many public services and servants that do that contrary to prejudicial myth.
I saw this while still enslaved by the Private State at Cisco Systems. When they made huge cuts in staff via a voluntary program, many of the best opted out first!!! It was about evens. So production and innovation on the whole has not gone ahead for them. But they are a monopoly so that might not be the whole reason.
Same will happen in the Welfare State because they are both the same thing in the end.
Again all based on observed facts. I'm no expert on anything. I just say the truth when I've seen it with my own eyes. And refuse to deny it when it hurts my pocket.
RS, OK, it wasn't clear to me whether you had merely missed off the full stop or got bored half way through the sente
MW: "RS, OK, it wasn't clear to me whether you had merely missed off the full stop or got bored half way through the sente"
Sarcastic much?
I don't get all this QE nonsense, it will never encourage spending because the natural reaction to a recessionary environment where job losses are an absolute certainty is securing ones financial position in order to tide you over until new employment is gained.
Maybe they should try dishing out £200 billion per capita to every citizen instead of it being absorbed into the banking sector and used to secure their position instead of to "stimulate lending"
SW, Robin is my real life mate so we are allowed to be rude to each other.
As to QE, it's worse than you think - it is a closed loop between Bank of England and commercial banks, it is pure paper shuffling, which boils down to the Royal Mint giving commercial banks 502p in coins in exchange for five pound notes. The commercial banks then deposit these coins back with the BoE.
As to dishing out cash, the best way of doing that is tax cuts, methinks.
"Robin is my real life mate"
So when are you going to buy a round at the coffee shop then?
RS, see you Friday lunchtime?
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