Wednesday 11 August 2010

Deeply Gratifying Google Searches

A big thanks to the person who Googled no rate cuts before 2010. My post of 15 April 2008 came top out of 68.8 million hits, which would be gratifying enough, but even more smugly gratifying than that, what I wrote was.....

"No more rate cuts before 2010" screams the FT's headline... in other words, they'll have a couple of rate cuts just before the next General Election...

Yup. At the time, the Bank of England base rate was 5.0%. Between 8 October 2008 and 5 March 2010 it was reduced from 4.5% to 0.5% (Excel, see tab 'Historical since 1694'). The next General Election was on 6 May 2010.


James Higham said...

That one's lost me.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JH, if you make enough predictions, some of them turn out to be correct.