Thursday 22 July 2010

Yippee! But...

From the BBC:

As well as withdrawing funding for the Sustainable Development Commission at the end of this financial year, which Defra contributes £1.9m annually, Ms Spelman announced that other publicly funded organisations would also be abolished.

These include:

  • the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
  • the Inland Waterways Advisory Council
  • the Agricultural Wages Board
But... there are still about a thousand quangoes to get rid of, and all this nonsense is dictated from on-high anyway (i.e. from the EU or the WHO or worse) so all these 'functions' will just get shuffled back into normal government departments.

My personal highlight from the BBC article:

SDC chairman Will Day said he was "deeply disappointed" by the announcement.


Umbongo said...

"SDC chairman Will Day said he was "deeply disappointed" by the announcement."

I'm sure Mr Day will be handsomely compensated for his "disappoinment". I think we can be reasonably certain that he will be offered another lucrative non-job - in the public sector naturally - once his current compensation arrangements are settled.

Mark Wadsworth said...

U, sure, he'll resurface somewhere else shortly.