Thursday 11 February 2010

José Manuel Barroso


James Higham said...

Where's the little moustache?

dearieme said...

He's Portugese. Are you really telling me that he has only three names?

Mark Wadsworth said...

JH, feel free to print one off and do the moustache, use as a dartboard, doormat etc :-)

Mark Wadsworth said...

D, he only appears to have four names in total, actually, I thought it was about six.

The Hickory Wind said...

For legal purposes, his name consists of his Christian name (names in his case) plus his mother's and father's maternal surnames, in that order. In fact, the name can go forever, by adding the mother's and father's first, then fourth, then third etc surname ad infinitum. Spanish practice uses father1, mother1, father2, mother2, etc, which is a bit easier to follow.

It is normal in Portugal to use the mother's surname for everyday purposes, and Barroso does this. It is not common in Spain, but it does happen. The president, in fact, is known as Zapatero, which is his mother's surname. Legally, his first surname is Rodríguez.