Wednesday 20 January 2010

My God*, you are gullible

And just for old times' sake:

* OK, he's an atheist, details, details.


Chris Smale said...

I don't get it.

David Cameron's son died last year. I assume the posters are mock ones in which case they are not funny. If they are not mock ups they are even less funny.

I quite like you Mark Wadsworth and I am not overly keen on David Cameron but I don't get this. Please explain.

Mark Wadsworth said...

CS, can you think of anything else remarkable, unusual or interesting to say about David C? If so, please advise and I will go back and re-do them.

Anonymous said...

It's not very catchy.

Anonymous said...

In fact, Mr Cameron does describe himself as a Christian. So you don't need the footnote!

Mark Wadsworth said...

AC, read between the lines, he's nominally a Christian but actually he's an atheist.