Monday 9 November 2009

Relatively few people will read this

From The Metro:

UK workers are most likely to be off sick on Monday, according to new research. Consultant Mercer's study of more than 11,000 workers will confirm the suspicions of most after finding more than a third of sick days - 35% - were taken at the start of the week, compared with just 3% on a Friday...


Surreptitious Evil said...

Oh goodness.

Now let me think.

Most illnesses which are sufficiently serious to require you to take time off work will have a couple of days with you feeling really unwell. Let's say 10% 1 day, 40% 2 days, 20% 3 days, 10% each 4, 5 & 6 days.

I make no claim for the accuracy of the figures above but it seems a reasonable hypothetical. Now, that bias and the weekend would give you a Monday off in over half (54%) of all illnesses (assuming a random day of starting each period of sickness.)

Or is my maths totally wrong?

Mark Wadsworth said...

I think your maths is wrong, to be honest. The good news is, relatively few people will read these comments so it doesn't matter whether you're wrong or I am.

Anonymous said...

We should do a study on whether there is a correlation between number of column inches of free publicity obtained by companies, and the number of pieces of "research" that they carry out.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Adam, that's why these companies do the 'research', because it makes a nice easy press release for the MSM to regurgitate.

BTS said...

Monday's actually my day off but somehow I'm still here. I think I cocked up somewhere..