Saturday 27 June 2009

It was funnier the first time

The fox (assuming the miscreant to be a fox) dug yet another hole in the garden, sometime between last Wednesday evening and this morning. The hole was over a foot deep, a foot wide and the pile of earth that had been thrown backwards (which would be just off the bottom right hand corner of the picture) was about six inches deep and two foot across. Quite remarkable really:


Ross said...

Try inviting Richard Dawkins to stand in the hole overnight. After all if it's a fox hole then there won't be any atheists in it and the fox will realise the error of his ways.

dearieme said...

He's trying to escape Brown's Britain, having heard that there's lots of bunnies Downunder.

Witterings from Witney said...

You have foxes on the brain! How about a mole - the tories and labour seem to have a few, on the other hand it may have been Gordon digging another hole for himself!

Ancient mariner said...

Trench warfare?

Macheath said...

Still can't get links to work, but the bbc has the story of a fox stealing gloves, shoes and a wallet and bringing them back to a garden....have you tried digging?

James Higham said...

At least there's a living, breathing sentient life form there. After looking at Westminster, I was beginning to wonder.

Mark Wadsworth said...

McH, brilliant - the owner of the garden concerned concludes thusly:

"Now I not only look forward to seeing the ever bigger and bolder cubs charging around the garden at night but also to scanning the garden to see what pickings the nightly raids may have brought."

DBC Reed said...

Your courgettes need watering.Good soil though.

Lester Taylor said...

I think you need your own pack of hunting hounds Wadsworth. Either that or an air rifle with a night sight and some kind of fox detecting surveillance equipment.

gordon-bennett said...

Sorry Mark - I have been playing a prank on you.

You'll find the little red seaside sand shovel I used behind the shed, where I left it as verification.

You wont find any fingerprints on it, though, and if arrested I shall deny everything.

Anonymous said...

Surely this is disgraceful fox phobia and you should be taken immediately to a diversity animal training information centre.

DBC Reed said...

Or you could go the Old Labour route to your local authority environment people and contact the Pest Control Officer.
The private sector alternative is to buy something like "Scoot", a fox repellent,no doubt available on the Net.

AntiCitizenOne said...

Dog food + warfarin = no foxes.

DBC Reed said...

Good way to make your neighbours hate you: put down a slow acting poison that their cats might eat.Victims blead to death.Not sure its legal even for foxes.
There is ,of course, the Conservative Party approach: we already live in the best of all possible worlds, so chances are the foxes will go away and annoy the lower orders.