Monday 9 March 2009

Learning by doing

Bought: one June US T-Bond future at 125-24 ½


Anonymous said...

125-24 ½ What? Please specify.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Click the label "speculation".

Anonymous said...

Right. I left school early because my parents were dead.

I have since been a capstan lathe engineer, a service technician, a computer systems engineer, and I have trained myself to do my own plumbing, carpentry, electrical wiring and building work.
I can play musical instruments, sort of.
I can also cook, and I partially understand super string theory. I still don't know what the fuck you are talking about, please explain.

Mark Wadsworth said...

RWG, see here.

Can you now do us a fifty word crash course in string theory (which always struck me as complete bollocks, as it happens). Nine or twelve dimensions, I can cope with, but not superstrings.

Anonymous said...

I can do it in eight: "The smaller it gets, the weirder it gets."

Addendum; projected results agree with actual results at this level, but I suspect the scientists who do the projections may foam at the mouth slightly and swing from light fittings.

AntiCitizenOne said...

String theory:
Superstrings exist, they have 12 degrees of freedom for their harmonic twisting, their 3-space shape approximates a ball as you get to the "centre". Strings can be open like a piece of string or closed like a doughnut.