Friday 27 March 2009

Friday Funny

From The Metro:

DNA linked to seven murders and thought to belong to a female serial killer actually comes from a factory worker who makes forensic swabs.

Traces of the same DNA were found at 39 crime scenes in a 15-year hunt for the 'Phantom of Heilbronn'... Police claimed the 'noose was tightening' on the killer last year following the murder of a policewoman. But a review of the case was ordered after police failed to find the 'suspect' or any witnesses to the murders.


Anonymous said...

The perfect alibi!

Mark The Skint Sailor said...

Watch serial killers start applying for jobs there.

And anyway, who's to say she didn't kill 'em all anyway?

John Pickworth said...

What! But isn't DNA fool-proof?

I remember reading the original Phantom of Heilbronn story in The Times last year... seems rather funny reading the same thing again now that we know the source of the DNA.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JP, nice link. With hindsight, that Times article appears to be satirical :)