Tuesday 30 December 2008

One more reason to hate British Gas

They allow their spokesman to express support for the government's Loony Idea Of The Day, being speed-limiters in cars.


Pogo said...

Further derision and profanity at chez obnoxio... :-)

John B said...

I read the BG quote as "we speed limited our vans and it worked, but you need driver training as well and just speed limiting on its own is a crap idea"...

Snafu said...

Is that why BG were late to fix my boiler!?!

Ironically, BG's actions are futile when the most dangerous roads are urban roads where limits are just 30mph and speed limiters are ineffective!

Gregg said...

And if it doesn't happen 'voluntarily' then we will legislate!

Anonymous said...

BG isn't alone. Here's another load of opportunists (sorry, "corporate leaders") signing up to the latest religious nutcasery.

Dr Evil said...

If my car had been speed limited then I would never have accelerated out of the way when a large foreign truck I was overtaking on the A14 decided to try and occupy the same space as my car. This speed limiting idea is crap. It also seems a sly way of having the technology ready for road pricing.

Anonymous said...

Foe what it's worth, my car is speed limited at 250kph. Hope that helps...