For those who were wondering, like me, where Mark had got to, it appears, sadly, that he has died.
There is an obituary by Thomas B Hall here
Wednesday, 29 March 2023
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Tuesday, 21 March 2023
I've just received the following two emails:
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From: Blogger
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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 11:03:54 +0000
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Have we been hacked? Does anyone know what is going on?
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Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Oil - a fossil fuel or a mineral?
This is in the nature of a question.
Wandering around the interweb I have found quite a bit of debate as to whether crude oil is actually, or entirely, a fossil fuel. There is some speculation that oil is - possibly in part - a mineral created abiotically at depths where heat from the mantle and pressure synthesizes carbon and other elements into crude oil.
One of the arguments is that crude has been recovered at depths below the lowest fossil depths. The latter being about 2,600 meters down. Whereas crude oil has been recovered from depths way below that. maybe 8,000 to 10,000 meters down. I do acknowledge that one cannot simply take the length of a bore as a guide to depth because of the horizontal drilling that oil exploration is capable of (Deepwater Horizon was doing that - apparently).
Anyway, has anyone else any thoughts or evidence or whatever?
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Monday, 13 March 2023
More evidence that AGW is a scam
Whilst the Greta Thunbergs of this world have been wringing their hands and wailing about the disaster that will follow if we don't cut back on CO2 emissions, the planet has been quietly making the most of a good thing.
The planet is greening. Not only has this implications on shrinking the deserts, but it also means that yields of crops have been going up as well.
We are supposed, however to disregard the benefits of additional CO2 in the atmosphere because of a hypothetical disaster that it might cause in the future. Is this not the essence of a scam? For a definite cost in the present, you are promised large but uncertain rewards in the future. It's the same whether it is a "pump and dump" scheme or a ground source heat pump: the promoter walks away with a nice profit and the customer might or might not see their money again some time well into the future.
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